Why have a Tarot Reading?

Tarot can be a powerful tool for self-enquiry. A reading can be an illuminating mirror that reveals who you were, are, and are becoming. The cards have the ability to provide a greater context and extract life lessons, wisdom, and self-awareness. We all have ways of dealing with the ebb and flow of life and tarot can be one of them. Think of it as an experience to breathe new life into old routines.

Tarot is for you if…

You’re feeling stuck

You’re making a decision and need a new perspective

You’re feeling reflective

You’re standing in your own way

You need inspiration

You want to shift gears

You’re feeling curious

You’re questioning everything

The Process

  • Book your session →

    Our session can take place in various ways. I offer London-based, In-Person sessions as well as Zoom and Email Readings. This gives you the opportunity to choose a space that feels most comfortable for you. Email me at hello@sophielouiseclark.com to discuss your session and arrange a date.

  • Prepare →

    Once we’ve discussed your session over email and the type of reading you’re looking for - you’ll be sent an email confirmation. When it comes to the day of your reading, there is no specific way to prepare. Whether the session is In-Person, over Zoom or via email – it’s always good to have a drink and notebook close by in a quiet space. If you feel called to, take the time to tune in with what you might want to achieve from the reading. Is it to gain more clarity on something? Navigate a path for moving forward? We can also work this out together in your session.

  • The Reading →

    It’s an open, collaborative experience between you, me and the Tarot deck. Whether we’re working together In-Person, Zoom or Via email, we’ll begin by talking through what you have going on currently. I’ll then draw the cards for you. Talking through each one, I’ll intuitively explain to you what each card is reflecting. We’ll close the session by discussing advice and tools for your progression directed by what your reading has uncovered. Feel free to take notes or record the session - it’s good to refer back to the reading whenever you need some extra guidance.

  • After

    From book recommendations, essential oils, crystals and personalised journal prompts you can expect to leave the session with tools and advice to help support your journey moving forward.


  • Tarot Readings are essentially a tool to gain clarity. Whether for you that means exploring areas of love, career, family or even just figuring out your next steps - the cards can provide visual information for intuitive support and guidance. Think of each card as a mirror to your current thoughts and when placed side by side into a Tarot spread, paint a picture of your past, present and future in relation to what you are experiencing currently.

  • A one hour In-Person session (London Based) costs £80

    A 45 minute session over Zoom costs £60 and includes a pdf with a picture of your spread, notes on the cards and any recommendations. This will be sent to you after the reading.

    A One Question Email reading costs £40 and includes a pdf of your spread, notes and recommendations.

  • There is no specific time frame for when you should get a reading. Most clients book a session each season or every six months.. But really it’s whenever you feel like you need extra guidance or have something weighing on your mind.

  • Please email hello@sophielouiseclark.com to arrange Gift Vouchers