Sophie Louise Clark Intuitive Tarot Reader

Having personally been through a massive transformation and healing process using Tarot for intuitive guidance, I began studying the art of Tarot Reading & Psychological Astrology at a professional level three years ago. Now, I’m here to share this introspective tool to help you find the answers you’re looking for - or perhaps you didn’t even know you needed. 

I promise it’s not as woo-woo as you might think. The Tarot has an excellent sense of humour. All it requires is an open mind.

A space for you to reconnect, relax and realign. 


It all begins with a feeling. Whether for you that means indecisiveness, questioning your sense of purpose, lack of motivation or just generally feeling stuck - it’s your intuition calling for your attention.

Unlock a path to new possibilities with Tarot. Through symbolism and reflective practice, seeing what cards are on the table can help gain a much needed sense of clarity, purpose and direction.